1. What is your real Name? Marko
2. How Old Are you? 19
3. How long do you play Aion? 2 months
4. On scale 1-10 how much do you love to play Aion? 7
5. How did you find out about us? I am the BROTHER
6. Why do you want to join us? Its my duty!
7. Your xfire username? graly
1. What is your character's Name, how old is he/she? Graly 20
2. Gender of your character and class? Male Warrior/Templar
3. Path you want to follow? Military Base
4. Can you tell us something about your character from OOC view? Graly is an angry person and seem to be serious.
5. Why does your character wants to join us? couse he is Leo's step brother